A Book Arts Exhibit
Call for Art Details
Call Type: In Person Exhibition at Mare Island Art Studios
Exhibit Address: 110 Pintado St. Vallejo, CA 94592
Eligibility: International
State: California
Entry Fee: $20 first piece, $5 each additional up to three total submissions (non-refundable)
Entry and Fee Deadline: 31 JUL, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 7 AUG, 2024
Art Drop-off: 31 AUG – 2 SEP
Exhibition: 7 SEP – 29 SEP, 2024
Gallery Opening: 7 SEP
Sales Commission: 80% Artist, 20% Gallery unless marked not for sale (NFS)
About this Year’s Theme:
- Many school districts, counties, states, and countries are censoring and banning important knowledge, literature, and art in our schools and libraries.
- Women banned from owning their own healthcare.
- LGBTQIA+ banned from going into places, playing sports, and even being.
Mare Island Art Studios and Causing Cultural Anarchy are excited to present our Censored and Banned gallery exhibit. As a book-arts exhibit, the art should be around books, or incorporate the written word some way into the piece or installation. It could be deconstructions, collages, constructions, abstracts, and/or allusions to personal narratives that convey something about you. Please contact us if you have any questions about book arts.
This is the sixth annual Mare Island Art Studios’ Causing Cultural Anarchy show. As artists, we sometimes create art that dares us, scares us, and pushes personal, communal, and cultural boundaries. These daring pieces threaten the norms of our own beliefs, as well as culture in general. We may be afraid to share them due to prior rejection and scorn, fear of what sharing something very personal can reveal to others, fear of public reactions, and many other valid reasons. This show may be the place for you to share and express your art.
We welcome and encourage all artists, especially queer artists and artists of color, to share art that is personal, brave new areas for you, political, satirical, objectionable, daring, anti-establishment, sexuality and gender defining and challenging, outside of definition, or works that have capabilities of challenging your, and maybe the viewers’, areas of comfort and taste. It can be almost any media including deconstructions, constructions, nudes, abstracts, allusions to narratives that convey something about the theme and book arts description above. It can be something abstract, and/or something graphic that supports the theme of the exhibit – CENSORED & BANNED Words, books, thoughts, bodies, and ways of being.
Media can include: Acrylic, Airbrush, Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fabric Art, Fiber Art, Graphite, Glass Art, Illustration, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Music, New Media, Oil, Painting, Pastel, Performance Art, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking, Projected, Sculpture, Video, Watercolor, Written\Spoken Word, and more that fits in the Book Arts area.
Information about the jurors for this show will be shared soon.
To register and submit art: Fill out the form below. A select number of artists will be chosen to exhibit their art in this exhibition at our brick-and-mortar gallery in Vallejo, California.
UPFRONT NOTICE: Some works in this show will contain images, words, and ideas that some may find objectionable. (It is kind of the intent of it.)