Call for Art – CCA5 -MIAS Artists Only

Causing Cultural Anarchy V

Our hidden sex, sexuality, gender, and identity in art



Call Type: In Person Exhibition at Mare Island Art Studios

Exhibit Address: 110 Pintado St. Vallejo, CA 94592

Eligibility: International

State: California

Entry Fee: Free for MIAS Artists

Entry and Fee Deadline: 31 JUL, 2023

Notification of Acceptance: 7 AUG, 2023

Art Drop-off: 26 AUG – 31 AUG

Exhibition: 2 SEP – 24 SEP, 2023

Gallery Opening: 2 SEP

Sales Commission: 80% Artist, 20% Gallery unless marked not for sale (NFS)

About this Year’s Theme:


Mare Island Art Studios and Causing Cultural Anarchy are excited  to present our FORBhIDDEN gallery exhibit. 

– Have you wanted to create (or already created) art expressing who you are and how you identify with your sex, sexuality, gender, and identity, but were afraid to share it.

– Are (or were) you afraid to share with the world this part of you and you kept it hidden because you felt both who you truly are and your art are forbidden?

– Are you afraid it may be too shocking, personal, or expository of what you are living in these areas of who you are?


This is the fifth annual Mare Island Art Studios’ Causing Cultural Anarchy show. As artists, we sometimes create art that dares us, scares us, and pushes personal, communal, and cultural boundaries.  These daring pieces threaten the norms of our own beliefs, as well as culture in general.  We may be afraid to share them due to prior rejection and scorn, fear of what sharing something very personal can reveal to others, fear of public reactions, and many other valid reasons.  This show may be the place for you to share and express your art.


We welcome and encourage all artists, especially queer artists and artists of color, to share art that is personal, brave new areas for you, political, satirical, objectionable, daring, anti-establishment, sexuality and gender defining and challenging, outside of definition, or works that have capabilities of challenging your, and maybe the viewers’, areas of comfort and taste. It can be almost any media including deconstructions, constructions, nudes, abstracts, allusions to narratives that convey something about you, something abstract, and/or something graphic that supports the theme of the exhibit –  FORBhIDDEN – our hidden sex, sexuality, gender, and identity in art


Media can include: Acrylic, Airbrush, Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fabric Art, Fiber Art, Graphite, Glass Art, Illustration, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Music, New Media, Oil, Painting, Pastel, Performance Art, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking, Projected, Sculpture, Video, , Watercolor, Written Word, and more.      

Information about the jurors for this show will be shared soon.  

Note: Only a select number of artists will be chosen to exhibit their art in the gallery for the in-person exhibition at our brick-and-mortar gallery in Vallejo, California.

Application Form

Please fill out the form below to submit your application:

CCA5 Call for Art - MIAS Artists
How many art pieces are you submitting?

1st Piece Submission

Maximum file size: 516MB

2nd Piece Submission

Maximum file size: 516MB

3rd Piece Submission

Maximum file size: 516MB

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